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Useful Links

Home Automation Links

Hardware Suppliers

Monoprice Supplier of cheap AV cables and equipment
Universal-Devices Makers of the ISY99 (One of the best Home Automation devices I've purchased in a long while) Biggest Home Automation supplier in the US and home of Insteon
Activewireinc Activewire USB to 16 Input/Output ports
Decadenet BOBII RS232 to TV Overlay
Home of the RedRat (Looking forward to integrating this unit in to my system)

Hayes the makers of the Accura 56K External Voice modem (with UK CID and in my opinion better than the Pace who are now out of business)

USB Video Capture Devices

Aarialphone Wireless Headset with PC integration/voice recognition
j-works Inc. Developer and manufacturer of PC and USB based Monitor and Control Products
Axis Network Cameras and Video Servers provide an easy way to capture and distribute live images over a network or the Internet using a standard web browser. Camera and camera switching
Midon Design Suppliers of among other things the TEMP05 units
kat5 is an acronym for Keith's AutomationTechnology for Cat5 cable. It is a range of projects designed to distribute audio and video signals around the home and provide control of AV equipment located in other rooms in the house. Supplier of amongst other things "PowerStrip Saver" perfect for plugging in transformers to powerstrips

Suppliers (UK)

Lets Automate New UK Home Automation supplier featuring on-line ordering. UK stockist for Pronto
Laser Business Systems (UK) Very Helpful UK X10 Supplier
Chase Research PLC a UK supplier of multi-port I/O cards (you can never have enough Com ports)
RFConcepts Quality CCTV Cameras at Discount Prices European and Worldwide supplier of X-10 products, 220-240V/50Hz product range. UK shipping available and all products are shipped with the UK plug type and the correct power supply for UK.


Pronexus Another Computer Telephony Development Tool - VBVoice
Gunn systems Inc - X10 ActiveX OCX control for CM11A

ExceleTel Teletools- ExceleTel TeleTools™ is a computer telephony (CT) developers tool kit. It lets you easily build telephony features into Windows-based applications.

Keware Technologies OCX for CM11A Software Packages, designed to stream your live video and audio content onto the Internet with virtually any webcam/camera and a PC.

Useful Sites Keith's DIY home automation site
Nabaztag API
universal-devices Forum
Dan Hoehnen's HA site A great site with hundreds of links Useful Electronics document archive including Joystick port info Interfacing the PC Control anything with RS232 USB Stuff

UK Home Automation site Very good UK source of information (updated regularly) Text to speech demo from AT&T Useful hardware information pinouts etc